Sunday, October 4, 2009

So remember that time I decided to start a blog...

Soooo, yeah.  It's been a while - sorry?

I have read loads of books between then and now and yet I haven't gone on here to review them.  Why? Because, for one, I hate writing and therefore have put it off for way too long.  Also, because it is fall and that means new tv and that means that my nights are booked (I am a loser, yes).  But, without further ado, I will list off the new books I have read and quickly tell you what I thought about them.

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
I listened to this one on audio book which is always a good bet with Sarah Dessen's books - whoever is in charge of choosing the voice actors, they do a good job.  This was a great book.  Dessen sticks to her normal format of a girl struggling to get comfortable with herself and meeting friends, especially a boy, who helps her accomplish what she needs.  Though this sounds like the opposite of a girl power novel, Dessen does a great job of not making the character come across as a needy damsel in distress.  A highly recommended read for teen girls.

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
I was sooooo excited to read this.  I re-read The Hunger Games the weekend before so that I would remember everything and be ready for what Suzanne had planned next for Katniss and Peeta.  I was definitey not prepared and, for the most part, not disappointed.  In discussion with fellow Hunger Games lovers, it has come up that it was not as good as the original.  I, however, easily forgive this because almost all middle stories in a trilogy tend to be more transitional and therefore not as good.  (Except maybe The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner - all three of those books were equally awesome!)  With that being said, I will stand by the statement that Catching Fire is still pretty darn awesome.  The cruelty of the Captiol is astounding and scary.  We get to know Gale a bit more, Peeta continues to be absolutely amazing, and Katniss continues to frustrate us all with how obtuse she is to both politics and love.  She continues to be an absolute badass though and so we forgive her faults quickly.  A must read.

Front and Center by Catherine Murdock
I love D.J. Schwenk.  I love her voice, I love her strength, I loved the two previous books in which she was the star and I enjoyed this one as well.  As usual, I got a little frustrated with D.J. and her inability to talk and stand up for herself but that is who she is and in this book (as in the previous two) she makes some steps towards becoming more assertive and strong.  D.J., as the book's title alluded, is in the center of a lot more attention that she would like.  A close friend starts showing interest in D.J. as more than friends, but Brian Nelson isn't far from her mind or her life so it is hard for D.J. to decide what she wants romantically.  School coaches start showing some interest as well and D.J. is stuck trying to decide what she wants to do for college.  Also, Win's new project, getting D.J. recruited to a D-1 school for basketball, is making her crazy.  Pressure in all facets of life are forcing D.J. to make some tough decisions and stand up for herself.  It was a nice ending to, what I believe to be, the end of the Dairy Queen trilogy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Idol Worship

On a side note: Did you know today is John Green's Birthday?  I did and I bought a John Green bobblehead to commemorate - it should be arriving in the mail sometime soon; an awesome addition to my desk at work.
Here is a video in honor of John Day:

Well, here goes...

Okay, so I am here to blog. I plan on reviewing YA books, discussing library type things (teen programming, etc.), with maybe just a little bit of idol worship for my favorite YA authors. We'll see how this goes!